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The Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment focuses on the application of mathematical concepts learned across multiple subjects from kindergarten to Grade 10. It requires students to solve problems by using five numeracy processes (different ways of thinking and working): interpret, apply, solve, analyze, and communicate. The numeracy processes are described in the per-assessment activities and in the specifications. 

The Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment is delivered online in three sections

1. Common section 

  • ​Students answer 24 questions centered on four different tasks (situations) completed online

  • Questions are scored by a computer.


2. Student-choice section 

  • ​Students choose two of four available questions and complete two written-response questions on paper. These questions are based on tasks the student will have completed earlier in the common section. Students present detailed solutions to a problem using all the numeracy processes and support their thinking with explanations and assumptions.

  • Questions are marked by B.C. educators using a rubric.


3. Self-reflection section 

  • ​These questions ask students to reflect on their experience after they have completed the previous sections. The process of reflection is part of their learning.

  • Questions are not scored.

(source from BC's New Curriculum, 2019)

Teahcer at a Math Class
Numeracy Assessment

G8 - G10

BC Numeracy Assessment 

Exam Time: January, April, November

Student Age: G8-G10

Class Time: August 31st-November 20th

Goals and Learning Outcomes for all courses: 

Graphs, tables, function graphs, trigonometry, 2D geometry, probability, plan design, and arithmetic strategies.

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